'My favourite one, is instead of everyday rummaging through your make up bag looking for the specific items, take your key items that you always use and Blu-Taqck them on the bathroom wall by the mirror.
I highly suggest the website and website are some enjoyable healthy lunch ideas that I can make for work?
(Image: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7b/59/31/7b5931ce15a987d40b9aa6fdecd1d883.jpg)Release your inner Toddler lunch ideas vegetarian
'Then there were children afternoon activities that had been recommended to me that I should look into, TV series been told I needed to download; bills to pay; school reminders on homework; pick up from the dry cleaners and hotels and restaurants I'd been recommended. It went on and on.'
'There was a section on things to do that wasn't immediate for today, but should get done in the near future like. thank you cards, social plans to arrange, a children related section, and then I had a separate daily to-do list.'
Brittany has some of the nicest little beaches in Europe perfect for paddling and picking up shells. And building castles with the crepe coloured sand. It's a beach made for gentle games of football and gentle recreation. There are many lovely vacation rental accommodation places around for relaxed evenings afterwards
'I am sure my list is no different to all the working mothers out there, but I was finding my one page to do list was spilling over to a good few pages and then looking very messy as lines were being crossed out,' she said.
'What's urgent, what's a “must do soon”, and what is a “nice to do someday”. A long list is overwhelming and enough to put anyone off so they just throw the list away and start again rather than deal with things.'
'You can also incorporate leftovers from dinner for school lunches. In my app, you can custom create tabs, and I have a tab for school lunch, snack and dinner ideas so that I can refer to when stuck for inspiration and drawing up the list.'
'From disinfecting kitchen cloths overnight soaked with that solution in water, to cleaning stubborn stains and my favourite - fail proof oven cleaner. Simply apply everywhere and leave for an hour and then rinse with hot water.'
'Another friend showed me how on her phone she kept an album of all her holiday outfits, so that when she packed, she wouldn't forget an item to bring because of the wardrobe being crammed with clothes you often forget what you have.
'Someone else the next day said building an app was on the list of “things to do before you die” - and it got me thinking: “Why not turn what I needed to an app to benefit not just me but all mothers out there?”.'
'It was one single list on a notepad ranging from specific grocery items I had to buy; mothers to text to arrange play dates for my daughter; presents to buy for birthday parties' reminders to book my waxing; new toddler recipes to try out; people to arrange dinner with and people I owed thank you cards to.
Travelling with the children can be a tricky one. Certainly a rewarding experience as these grow to become formative memories. Yet it's not for the faint hearted, an often exhausting experience as you tussle to keep the little ones permanently entertained. Yet if done well, the children are tired by the evening, drifting to sleep allowing a few recovery hours before having to repeat the whole charade the next day.
Here your children get to feel like frontiersmen and outlaws, traipsing through those Bulgarian ranges, as if John Wayne in some cowboy movie. This is the horse riding activities the region has to offer, but for outdoorsy children there much more available. There are hard mountainous trails to walk, testing their orienteering skills to the maximum. On top of this there is water activities on offer such as kayaking, along with hunting for lunch.
'As I have never found a deodorant that is properly chemical free yet effective, I tried baking soda,' she said. My mother passed that tip on years ago but I never tried it out until I was pregnant - and she is absolutely right!'
'On rainy days when we are stuck for activities - we have a wooden box where we have lots of pieces of papers in different colours rolled up where each person writes four things to do,' she explained.
'First thing in the morning after school drop off, when you have the first five minutes to yourself, its useful to just sit down and think what needs to be done that day and looking at the list and mentally go through the structure of the day.
'I have always been that person who loves to book my holiday 12 months out in advance, so as to ensure I can get the flights that I want, have time to research where I would like to stay and the best places to eat, shop and do sightseeing.'
''It doesn't have to be strictly adhered too, but again it gives you something to fall back on, so that you don't have to worry at the end of the day when tired “oh no what am I going to do for school lunch tomorrow”.
If the children are still happily singing along to Old McDonald a farm then Sardinia offers some great opportunities for them to engage with farm yard animals. La Collina is home to a restored country estate, where the sheep go baa and the pigs go oink, and so on. There is a great deal of great self catering accommodation around, and the spot is near to some wonderful little beaches.(Image: https://agrandelife.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/School-Lunch-Ideas-for-Picky-Eaters-5.png)