Welcome to Bir Meshtastic community. We are a bunch of paragliding enthusiasts who also like shiny toys. See these pages: * https://bircom.in * https://paraguide.in/birmesh.html for setup instructions * https://bit.ly/MeshtasticBir presentation about Meshtastic for live tracking paragliders at Bir * Meshtastic India Community on Telegram https://t.me/meshtastic_india * https://bir.localmesh.org/doku.php?id=softrf Using SoftRF firmware on t-echo for FLARM/FANET/etc. * T-Echo protection 3D print stl https://bir.localmesh.org/doku.php?ns=%3A&image=%3At-echo-mainak.zip&do=media&tab_files=files&tab_details=view