Crawlers are leading tools that focus on web page content. The ratio of your web sites content then is important. Major search engines focus on quality links. To reach the Page ranking systems setup by Google and other major search engines you want to keep relevancy, accuracy, and quality in mind. Web keyword and content are imperative key points that determine if you reach pass through the Page Rank search engine algorithms. By adding news to your website, you will be adding extra content, and the search engines will visit your site more often. What sort of news, or other regular additional content could you provide your SEO company with? What about a blog, or focusing on a [[|department]] or member of staff in your company? What about a product of the week, or a branch of your company? Relax! Don't get tunnel vision about the content of your content! Your followers want to know more than what's going on in your office. Keep an eye on the world news, current affairs, trending topics, new films, music, and new products. This list is literally endless and it's a sea of interesting stuff your followers will want to read about. Think outside of the box with some interesting posts by being a leader not a blatant, blind follower. (Image: [[|]])Most SEO experts don't have a proper strategy in place to secure your rankings. What's amazing is that the client feels SEO is not something they will understand, and don't feel they need too. This means your SEO tactics could be shooting darts in the dark hoping to hit the bull's eye. Are you aware of the SEO strategies being used on your website and do you understand them? Search Engine Optimization is much more than employing on-site and offsite strategies like building back-links, making full use of the social media or having a great internal link structure, to get traffic. Sure it's all of that but it involves so much more. SEO involves any activity that you engage in to use the search engines to deliver more traffic to your pages. SEO news Decide whether your website is targeting on a single keyword or a few keywords. In my opinion, each has its own pros and cons. Single keyword or keyword sniping allows you to focus on one keyword which means you may have very little topic to write about. Working on several [[|keywords]] might lose your focus but each keyword can back one another up in case any of them fails. If you want to make your site into Google Top 10, then you need to follow some standard SEO techniques that not only increase your SERP but also enhance your web Page Rank. By consistently, following these Search Engine Optimization SEO tips you look natural and your site skyrockets into Google Top 10. Keep content with an adequate number of target keywords in the right positions, [[|Pinterest]] just like you would with regular content marketing. Include these target keywords also on your titles.